Athletics Department

Athletics this week

Practice Schedule

Bottle Drive

Cougar Athletics

For more information please contact the Athletics Director 

Cougar Pride is exemplified in our competitive sports programs. Our teams have been very successful at the local, zone and provincial level. Several of our athletes have received sport scholarships to colleges and universities as a result of the excellent coaching available at our school. Our gym walls are adorned with championship banners and our Wall of Fame pays tribute to those athletes and coaches.

Our students have the opportunity to participate in the following sports at the junior and senior high level:

  • Badminton
  • Basketball
  • Cross Country Running
  • Curling
  • Golf 
  • Track and Field
  • Volleyball

Please note that participation in the school's athletic program is a privilege and not a right and students may be withdrawn from athletic programs if their grades, attendance or general behavior is not believed to be satisfactory by school staff.

Athletic Leadership

The Athletic Leadership program encourages students to model mentoring and leadership through individual and group learning opportunities. Students are given opportunities to learn about and develop their resiliency through activities which have an emphasis on the athletic leadership perspective. Students will develop an understanding of team dynamics and develop the requisite leadership skills to foster success within any individual/team athletic context. Students are given a variety of opportunities to develop their own leadership skills and to take risks to grow in positive and productive ways. Students actively develop their own leadership strengths, conduct athletic goals and examine the importance of mental training virtues.

Athletic Leadership can be included in your average when calculating for the Alexander Rutherford Scholarship and may fulfill a portion of the “30-level” graduating requirement.

Player User Fees

Students are required to pay user fees in order to participate in extra curricular sports. Player fees have been established to offset the costs of operating these programs and have been set with the overall cost of the program in mind. All fees are collected prior to the commencement of competition. School fees need to be in 'good standing' to be eligible to participate on athletic teams, field trips, graduation activities and other school related activities and events.

Intramural Program

VCHS offers an active intramural program, which permits students to participate without the commitment required for extra-curricular programs. We would like to see as many students as possible become involved in some aspect of organized school life. The rewards are high and the opportunities for meeting new friends are heightened with involvement in school activities. Student participation is the best way to ensure that school is an exciting place to be, so do your part: get involved.
